A question about a scene in "The 13th Warrior"
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Dick Adams
2004-10-08 19:34:28 UTC
In the movie "The 13th Warrior", one of the Vikings offers the
Muslim something to drink. The Muslim replies that does not
drink anything made from grains. The Viking says its mead;
it's made from honey. The Muslim takes the mug and drinks
from it.

Mead is the only alcoholic drink not prepared from fruit or
grain. Is a Muslim allowed to drink mead? Or was the movie

Yusuf B Gursey
2004-10-10 00:53:33 UTC
Post by Dick Adams
Mead is the only alcoholic drink not prepared from fruit or
grain. Is a Muslim allowed to drink mead? Or was the movie
acc. to the Hanafi understanding wine is not permitted,
others are, though conservatives among them are stricter.

the Volga Bulghars that the real Ibn Fadlan visited
were Hanafis and this was widespread among the Abbasids.

many centuries later Ibn Battuta commented in the same region
among the Tatars that they drink Koumiss (qImIz) - fermented mare's
milk) - because they are Hanafis and this is permitted for them.

Similar comments are made in the context of 17th cent. Turkey for
various non-wine beverages by Evliya C,elebi (himself personally
endorsing the practice). He was a Hanfi and most Turks are Hanafis,
and this was official for the Ottoman Empire.
2004-10-12 01:00:20 UTC
Hello Dick

Muslims are not allowed drink any alcohol - more
importantly they are not allowed to take any substance
that would affect them mentally.


Post by Dick Adams
In the movie "The 13th Warrior", one of the Vikings offers the
Muslim something to drink. The Muslim replies that does not
drink anything made from grains. The Viking says its mead;
it's made from honey. The Muslim takes the mug and drinks
from it.
Mead is the only alcoholic drink not prepared from fruit or
grain. Is a Muslim allowed to drink mead? Or was the movie
Yusuf B Gursey
2004-10-19 02:40:49 UTC
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